
My First Bounty A 100$ Stored Xss

Hello Everyone.This is Bharath.In this blog I’m going to share about my first bounty that i got for a Stored xss.Since this is my first blog, please excuse any grammatical mistakes or typos.Let’s start

What is Stored Xss

You can learn about Stored Xss here portswigger.

How did i find this

The target was public bug bounty program hosted on hackerone.It had so many function in main application.I was testing each one of them when ever i see a input field i copy paste a xss payload in it.Nothing worked after some time of testing i found a chat box which enable you to chat with others

Started to test for xss.Then found that we can use markdown in chat like bold **bold**,italic __italic__,Codeblock codeblock,Blockquote >>Blockquote<<.normally if we send a payload in chat it encode the payload to HTML entity.So tryed to inject a xss payload with the markdown like this

**bold** <img src=x onerror=alert()>

The markdown for **bold**,__italic__,>>Blockquote<< didn’t work but to my surprise codeblock worked.

```codeblock``` <img src=x onerror=alert()>

I Just pasted this xss payload in chat clicked enter and a xss payload popped.I was so surprised to see that Then i tried to inject alert cookie.

```codeblock``` <img src=x onerror=alert([document.cookie])>

Worked.Out of curiosity i reported it.But don’t do this try to escalate xss to ATO.


The Xss payload is stored and popped whenever the user open the chat.We can escalate xss to ATO but as this is my first xss finding i simply reported it.but I recommend escalating XSS vulnerabilities to ATO for more impact.

I reported it as medium.but the chat application domain is OUT-OF-SCOPE.So the team triaged the report as low and gave a bounty of 100$

Time Line

Reported April 4, 2024, 10:05 PM

Triage April 5, 2024, 2:40 PM

Bounty April 5, 2024, 4:23 PM

Resolved June 27, 2024, 4:02 PM